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Ukraine And U.S. Foreign Policy: June 2nd, 2014

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In the past months, the conflict in Ukraine has been all over the news.

Not only conflict within the country, but also with Russia, as well as the West.

Tonight on Blunt Youth Radio hosts Leo Hilton and Lucy Tabb will be discussing the current situation in Ukraine.

First, where is Ukraine? What’s the capital? what is Crimea? And who are the three ethnic groups who live there?

Guests: Artur Kaptelenin is a long time WMPG DJ for twith a mother born in Kiev Ukraine,. He’s original from The USSR, now Russia.  He left the Soviet Union And has organized a community TV forum on Russia and Ukraine.

And Kiril Slusky is a Ukrainian Native who moved to the United States from Crimea when he was 2 years old. He is currently a senior at Portland High School.